Channel Info Pane

Channel Info Pane

The Info pane section shows the following information:






The type of the Channel e.g., Pass-Through, Transcoding, Failover, Adaptive, AWS Media Flow and AWS MediaLive Channel.



Processing Cluster

Select from the drop-down list one of the Channel Processing clusters that has been configured in ZEN Master. The selected cluster will be used to process this Channel.

NOTE: If the Source does not exist in the cluster, then the cluster will pull the Source automatically.



Objects can be labeled as Priority so that they can be quickly found in the list of objects. This is helpful if you want to easily find these objects by sorting and filtering the list. 

Yes - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.

No - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.


Tags are used for access control. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups.





Events Configuration Profile

Select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.
NOTE: Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.


Processing Cluster

Select from the drop-down list one of the Channel Processing clusters that has been configured in ZEN Master. The selected cluster will be used to process this Channel.

NOTE: If the Source does not exist in the cluster, then the cluster will pull the Source automatically.


Objects can be labeled as Priority so that they can be quickly found in the list of objects. This is helpful if you want to easily find these objects by sorting and filtering the list. 

Yes - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.

No - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.


Tags are used for access control. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups.

Alternative Channel


Target Broadcaster/s

Select your broadcaster preference. Either select a specific broadcaster to be used OR specify your preference for using primary vs. backup broadcasters, options are: Prefer Primary Broadcasters, Primary Broadcasters only, Backup Broadcasters only or Prefer Backup Broadcasters.

NOTE: For managed clusters, it is not recommended to select a specific broadcaster, as the broadcaster’s availability may not remain stable.

Events Configuration Profile

Select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.
NOTE: Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.

MediaLive Channel

AWS MediaLive Channel



Objects can be labeled as Priority so that they can be quickly found in the list of objects. This is helpful if you want to easily find these objects by sorting and filtering the list. 

Yes - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.

No - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.


Tags are used for access control. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups.

Events Configuration Profile

Select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.
NOTE: Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.

MediaConnect Flow

AWS MediaConnect Flow



Objects can be labeled as Priority so that they can be quickly found in the list of objects. This is helpful if you want to easily find these objects by sorting and filtering the list. 

Yes - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.

No - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.


Tags are used for access control. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups.


The cloud service region.

Events Configuration Profile

Select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.
NOTE: Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.


Processing Cluster

Select from the drop-down list one of the Channel Processing clusters that has been configured in ZEN Master. The selected cluster will be used to process this Channel.

NOTE: If the Source does not exist in the cluster, then the cluster will pull the Source automatically.

Active Broadcaster



Objects can be labeled as Priority so that they can be quickly found in the list of objects. This is helpful if you want to easily find these objects by sorting and filtering the list. 

Yes - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.

No - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.


Tags are used for access control. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups.





Events Configuration Profile

Select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.
NOTE: Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.


Processing Cluster

Select from the drop-down list one of the Channel Processing clusters that has been configured in ZEN Master. The selected cluster will be used to process this Channel.

NOTE: If the Source does not exist in the cluster, then the cluster will pull the Source automatically.


Objects can be labeled as Priority so that they can be quickly found in the list of objects. This is helpful if you want to easily find these objects by sorting and filtering the list. 

Yes - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.

No - the Priority checkbox of the Access Tag of this Channel has been enabled.


Tags are used for access control. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups.

Alternative Channel


Target Broadcaster/s

Select your broadcaster preference. Either select a specific broadcaster to be used OR specify using primary vs. backup broadcasters, options are: Primary Broadcasters only, Backup Broadcasters only or Any.
NOTE: For managed clusters, it is not recommended to select a specific broadcaster, as the broadcaster’s availability may not remain stable.

Events Configuration Profile

Select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.
NOTE: Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.

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