Channel Ad Markers

Channel Ad Markers

The Ad Markers tab is only shown for relevant Channels. If an Adaptive or Transcoded Channel has a stream that contains Ad Markers, then information about these markers is shown in the Ad Markers tab. HLS ad markers are written as plaintext into the outgoing XML manifests of the transmuxed HLS.

The following table describes the information shown for each Ad Marker in the stream.




The name of the 'component' on which the ad marker was written


The timestamp of the ad marker.


The type of ad marker. Possible types are:

  • Cue-out – marks the beginning of the ad insertion opportunity
  • Cue-in – marks the end of the ad insertion opportunity


The Presentation Timestamp. The time at which the SCTE-35 message insertion request was received. The PTS is a "timer", not a clock time. 

DurationThe duration of ad break (if the marker is a cue-out).
ProgramThe elementary program that the SCTE marker is affecting.
Auto-returnSpecifies whether to auto-return from from a cue-out, for break of the specified duration.