Zixi Edge Devices

Zixi Edge Devices

ZEN Master manages three types of Zixi Edge Devices:

  • ZEC - Zixi Edge Compute (ZEC) software that can be used as a contribution endpoint (like a Zixi Feeder) or as a receiver endpoint (like Zixi Receiver).
  • Zixi Feeders – Zixi Feeder resides at the point of acquisition and is either embedded inside Zixi EcoZystem partner encoder HW or SW, inside a camera (no back pack or field pack required) or can be installed on a pc that will be operated with any non-Zixi enabled encoder or camera.  Zixi Feeder accepts and prepares the encoded video for transmission over standard internet connections using Zixi's UDP based transport stream protocol. Although Zixi Feeders are installed on premise, they can be added to the ZEN Master and managed through the ZEN Master’s management console. ZEN Master can manage multiple Zixi Feeder’s located in multiple points of acquisition.
  • Zixi Receiver - Zixi Receiver is a lightweight software tool that runs on standard PC hardware or can be embedded into a wide variety of professional decoders and mobile devices as part of the growing Zixi EcoZystem. Zixi Receiver accepts input from Zixi Feeder or Broadcaster via standard IP networks (including the public Internet) and outputs professional-quality video to a broad range of Integrated Receiver-Decoders (IRDs), and to file systems.

The preferred edge device is now ZEC

As part of the management and configuration process, ZECs, Zixi Feeders, Broadcasters Clusters and Receivers are added to the system as described below.

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