Adding a AWS MediaLive Channel

AWS MedialLive service is an Elemental Transcoder that performs both transcoding (encoding) and HLS packaging in a single service. The input to the MediaLive channel must be a MediaConnect channel or an AWS Elemental Link.


  • The input to the MediaLive channel must be a MediaConnect channel or an AWS Elemental Link. So before configuring the MediaLive channel, make sure you have a MediaConnect channel or an AWS Elemental Link configured. It is not possible to go from a Broadcaster or a MediaLive Channel directly. 
  • Before configuring the MediaLive channel, the Target must be created and it must be enabled. If you try to attach a Target to a MediaLive channel that was not enabled, you will have to disable the MediaLive Channel then attach the Target, enable the Target and then enable the MedialLive Channel. 

To create a new MediaLive Channel:

  1. In the main navigation, click Channels.
  2. Click +Add.
    The Create New Channel selection menu is displayed.
  3. Click on AWS MediaLive Channel.
    The Create AWS MediaLive Channel window is displayed.

  4. In the Info section, in the Name field, enter a logical name for the Channel.
  5. In the Tags field, select one or more of the predefined Tags from the drop-down list.
    Tags are used for access control. By selecting an Tag, you are relating this Channel to that Tag. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups. If you would like to create a new Tag, see Creating a Tag.
  6. In the Events Configuration Profile field, select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.

    Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.

  7. In the Configuration section, verify that Create New is selected (default).

  8. In the AWS Account field, select from the drop-down list the AWS MediaConnect account that you would like to use for this Flow.

    If the Source does not exist in the cluster, then the cluster will pull the Source automatically.

  9. In the Region field, select from the drop-down list the AWS region that you would like to use for this Flow.
  10. In the Availability Zone field, select from the drop-down list the Availability Zone that you would like to use for this Flow.

  11. To use an existing IAM role ARN, select Select Existing and select an existing Role ARN from the drop-down list.
  12. To specify a custom ARN, select Specify Custom ARN and enter the Amazon Resource Name in the Role ARN
  13. In the Source field, select one of the following:

    1. AWS MediaConnect Flow - select this option if you want to place a MediaConnect Flow be fore the MediaLive channel. Select from the drop-down list the AWS MediaConnect Flow that you would like to assign to this Channel.

      Specifying a Source is optional. You can create a Channel without assigning a Source, although it won’t be activated until you assign a Source at a later time. You can also switch to a different Source at a later time. To learn about creating a MediaConnect Source, see Adding a MediaConnect Source – Creating a ZEN Master Managed Flow.

    2. AWS Elemental LinkAWS Medialive Link Source AWS Account and Region must match settings above. Select the AWS Elemental Link Source from the drop down menu. 
  14. In the Initial State section, select the Disabled checkbox if you would like to disable this Channel upon initial configuration.
  15. Select the Muted checkbox if you would like to disable error/recovery notifications for this Channel upon initial configuration.

    You can Unmute the Channel at any time.

  16. Click Save.

New MediaLive Channel Configuration Parameters Table





Specify a name for the MediaConnect Flow Channel in ZEN Master.


Select one or more of the predefined Tags from the drop-down list.

Tags are used for access control. By selecting an Tag, you are relating this Channel to that Tag. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups. If you would like to create a new Tag, see Creating a Tag.

Events Configuration Profile

Select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.

Note: Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.


Verify that Create New is selected (default).

AWS Account

Select from the drop-down list the AWS MediaConnect account that you would like to use for this Flow.

Note: If the Source does not exist in the cluster, then the cluster will pull the Source automatically.


Select from the drop-down list the AWS region that you would like to use for this Flow.

Availability Zone

Select from the drop-down list the Availability Zone that you would like to use for this Flow.

IAM RoleSelect Select Existing or Specify Custom ARN.
Role ARN

For Select Existing:

Select from the drop-down list an existing Role ARN of the IAM role that you previously created.

For Specify Custom ARN:

Enter a specific ARN in the field.


Select from the drop-down list the AWS MediaConnect type Source that you would like to assign to this Channel.

Note: Specifying a Source is optional. You can create a Channel without assigning a Source, although it won’t be activated until you assign a Source at a later time. You can also switch to a different Source at a later time. To learn about creating a MediaConnect Source, see Adding a MediaConnect Source – Creating a ZEN Master Managed Flow.

Initial State
DisabledSelect this checkbox if you would like to disable this Channel upon initial configuration.
MutedSelect this checkbox if you would like to disable error/recovery notifications for this Channel upon initial configuration.