

Zen Master automatically sends email notifications about errors that occur in the system to all relevant parties. The default notification behavior is that whenever an object (i.e. Feeder, Broadcaster, Receiver, Source, Channel or Target) in the system enters an Error state as well as when the error is resolved, all users that have access to that object are notified. Users can customize the settings for when and to whom notifications are sent, see Managing Error Notifications.

Severe events (e.g. a Source going offline) immediately cause the relevant object to enter an Error state. Less severe events (e.g. TR101 or Content Quality events) cause the object to enter a Warning state. If an error causing a Warning state persists for an extended period of time, then the state of that object is automatically escalated to an Error state (causing notifications to be sent out). Users can customize the settings for when a Warning event escalates to an Error event, see Managing Warning Escalation Policies.

For a list of events that generate Warnings and Errors see Log Events.

For an explanation of the information shown on the Notification screen, see Configuring Notifications.

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