Stats Report Content

Stats Report Content

Stats reports show statistics about the performance of your Zixi enabled resources and system objects. For each type of object, the report includes statistics relevant to that type of object.

Each file contains a separate tab for each type of system object that is included in the report (e.g. Broadcasters, Feeders, Sources etc.). There is also an Exceptions tab which shows all object instances included in the report which were not active during the time period of the report.

Each tab includes a report for that object type with the following structure. A series of records are shown for each object instance according to the time units that were specified in the report configuration. For example, if you have 5 Broadcasters in your network and you generate a report for the past 7 days with a granularity of one day, then the Broadcasters tab will contain 35 records (5 Broadcasters x 7 time units of one day). If you generate a report for the past day with granularity of one hour then you will have 120 records (5 Broadcasters x 24 time units of one hour).

The following is a sample of a Stats report.