Targets Stats

Targets Stats

When Targets are included in a Stats Report, separate tabs are shown for each type of Target.

All data included in a given record is for the particular object instance and time unit of that record.



Zixi Targets tab


The name of the Target in ZEN Master.


The name of the Channel that is being sent to the Target.


The Tag/s which controls access to this Target.


The beginning date and time, from which data is included in this record.

Note: The end date and time is determined based on the granularity of the report i.e. for a report with granularity of one day the record includes data for the 24 hr period starting from the Time.

Max Bitrate [kbps]

The maximum received bitrate, in kbps.

Avg. Bitrate [kbps]

The average received bitrate, in kbps.

Min Bitrate [kbps]

The minimum received bitrate, in kbps.

Not recovered packets

The number of packets that weren't recovered.

Max Jitter

The maximum Jitter, in milliseconds.

Avg. Jitter

The average Jitter, in milliseconds.

Min Jitter

The minimum Jitter, in milliseconds.


The highest Round Trip Time (RTT) from the source, in milliseconds.

Avg. RTT

The average Round Trip Time (RTT) from the source, in milliseconds.

Min RTT               

The lowest Round Trip Time (RTT) from the source, in milliseconds.

RTMP Targets tab


The name of the Target in ZEN Master.


The name of the Channel that is being sent to the Target.

Access Tags

The Access Tag/s which controls access to this Target.


The beginning date and time, from which data is included in this record.

Note: The end date and time is determined based on the granularity of the report i.e. for a report with granularity of one day the record includes data for the 24 hr period starting from the Time.

Max Bitrate [kbps]

The maximum received bitrate, in kbps.

Avg. Bitrate [kbps]

The average received bitrate, in kbps.

Min Bitrate [kbps]

The minimum received bitrate, in kbps.

Send Errors

The number of errors generated while sending the stream.

HTTP Targets tab


The name of the Target in ZEN Master.


The name of the Channel that is being sent to the Target.

Access Tags

The Access Tag/s which controls access to this Target.


The beginning date and time, from which data is included in this record.

Note: The end date and time is determined based on the granularity of the report i.e. for a report with granularity of one day the record includes data for the 24 hr period starting from the Time.

Max Bitrate [kbps]

The maximum received bitrate, in kbps.

Avg. Bitrate [kbps]

The average received bitrate, in kbps.

Min Bitrate [kbps]

The minimum received bitrate, in kbps.

Send Errors

The number of failed uploads attempts.

Abandoned Uploads

The number of uploads that were abandoned because of repeated failure to upload successfully.

Abandoned Commands

The number of commands (e.g. deleting a chunk after it has expired) that were abandoned because of repeated failure to execute successfully.

UDP Targets tab


The name of the Target in ZEN Master.


The name of the Channel that is being sent to the Target.

Access Tags

The Access Tag/s which controls access to this Target.


The beginning date and time, from which data is included in this record.

Note: The end date and time is determined based on the granularity of the report i.e. for a report with granularity of one day the record includes data for the 24 hr period starting from the Time.

Max Bitrate [kbps]

The maximum received bitrate, in kbps.

Avg. Bitrate [kbps]

The average received bitrate, in kbps.

Min Bitrate [kbps]

The minimum received bitrate, in kbps.

Send Errors

The number of UDP packets that failed to be sent.