Targets Stats
- Eli Pielet (Writec) (Unlicensed)
- Alon Men
When Targets are included in a Stats Report, separate tabs are shown for each type of Target.
All data included in a given record is for the particular object instance and time unit of that record.
Parameter | Description |
Zixi Targets tab | |
Name | The name of the Target in ZEN Master. |
Channel | The name of the Channel that is being sent to the Target. |
Tags | The Tag/s which controls access to this Target. |
Time | The beginning date and time, from which data is included in this record. Note: The end date and time is determined based on the granularity of the report i.e. for a report with granularity of one day the record includes data for the 24 hr period starting from the Time. |
Max Bitrate [kbps] | The maximum received bitrate, in kbps. |
Avg. Bitrate [kbps] | The average received bitrate, in kbps. |
Min Bitrate [kbps] | The minimum received bitrate, in kbps. |
Not recovered packets | The number of packets that weren't recovered. |
Max Jitter | The maximum Jitter, in milliseconds. |
Avg. Jitter | The average Jitter, in milliseconds. |
Min Jitter | The minimum Jitter, in milliseconds. |
Max RTT | The highest Round Trip Time (RTT) from the source, in milliseconds. |
Avg. RTT | The average Round Trip Time (RTT) from the source, in milliseconds. |
Min RTT | The lowest Round Trip Time (RTT) from the source, in milliseconds. |
RTMP Targets tab | |
Name | The name of the Target in ZEN Master. |
Channel | The name of the Channel that is being sent to the Target. |
Access Tags | The Access Tag/s which controls access to this Target. |
Time | The beginning date and time, from which data is included in this record. Note: The end date and time is determined based on the granularity of the report i.e. for a report with granularity of one day the record includes data for the 24 hr period starting from the Time. |
Max Bitrate [kbps] | The maximum received bitrate, in kbps. |
Avg. Bitrate [kbps] | The average received bitrate, in kbps. |
Min Bitrate [kbps] | The minimum received bitrate, in kbps. |
Send Errors | The number of errors generated while sending the stream. |
HTTP Targets tab | |
Name | The name of the Target in ZEN Master. |
Channel | The name of the Channel that is being sent to the Target. |
Access Tags | The Access Tag/s which controls access to this Target. |
Time | The beginning date and time, from which data is included in this record. Note: The end date and time is determined based on the granularity of the report i.e. for a report with granularity of one day the record includes data for the 24 hr period starting from the Time. |
Max Bitrate [kbps] | The maximum received bitrate, in kbps. |
Avg. Bitrate [kbps] | The average received bitrate, in kbps. |
Min Bitrate [kbps] | The minimum received bitrate, in kbps. |
Send Errors | The number of failed uploads attempts. |
Abandoned Uploads | The number of uploads that were abandoned because of repeated failure to upload successfully. |
Abandoned Commands | The number of commands (e.g. deleting a chunk after it has expired) that were abandoned because of repeated failure to execute successfully. |
UDP Targets tab | |
Name | The name of the Target in ZEN Master. |
Channel | The name of the Channel that is being sent to the Target. |
Access Tags | The Access Tag/s which controls access to this Target. |
Time | The beginning date and time, from which data is included in this record. Note: The end date and time is determined based on the granularity of the report i.e. for a report with granularity of one day the record includes data for the 24 hr period starting from the Time. |
Max Bitrate [kbps] | The maximum received bitrate, in kbps. |
Avg. Bitrate [kbps] | The average received bitrate, in kbps. |
Min Bitrate [kbps] | The minimum received bitrate, in kbps. |
Send Errors | The number of UDP packets that failed to be sent. |