This graph shows the number of Content Analysis errors of each type (e.g. CC Errors, Blank Picture etc.) that occurred over time. Errors are shown separately for each PID.
For Broadcaster (v13 and up) streams, the estimated Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (ePSNR) is shown for each relevant PID. The scale for the ePSNR is shown along the right side of the graph. ePSNR values can range from 11 to 60, with 60 representing the highest quality.

ZEN Master shows data for the following Content Analysis parameters:
- CC (Continuity Count) Errors – incorrect packet order, a packet occurs more than twice, lost packet
- Blank Picture - blank frames of any color for a duration of ~60s or longer
- Frozen Video – no motion detected for a duration of ~60s or longer
- Audio Clipping - clipped audio on AAC or MPEG audio
- Silent Audio – silent audio (dBFS < -90) on AAC or MPEG audio with a duration of ~30s or longer
- CQA Misses - shows the number of frames for which CQA (Content Quality Analytics) was skipped (i.e. to conserve resources).
- TR101 Misses - shows the number of frames for which TR101 was skipped (i.e. to conserve resources).
- ePSNR - weighted average of estimated Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR).