Adding ZEN Master Sources

Adding ZEN Master Sources

ZEN Master Sources are Inputs on a Broadcaster Cluster. The following Sources can be added as ZEN Master Sources:

  • Zixi - Zixi push from a connected Feeder, Broadcaster, AWS MediaConnect, or other Zixi enabled device to ZEN Master.

  • Monitor Only - Monitor an existing input on a ZEN Master enabled Broadcaster. Limited functionality.

  • Failover - Combine existing Sources into a single Source that will switch between them to maintain quality.

  • Transcoded - Transcode an existing source into a new one.

  • PID Mapping - Create a Source with modified PIDs from an existing source

  • Inter-Cluster - Send a Source from one cluster to another

  • UDP/RTP - Receive UDP or RTP stream directly.

  • File - Create a Source from a .ts file on a Broadcaster

  • SRT - Receive stream via SRT protocol

  • RIST - Receive stream via RIST protocol

  • NDI - Receive an NDI stream in the local network and encode it for transmission

  • RTMP - Receive stream via RTMP protocol

  • HLS - Receive stream via HLS protocol

  • Demux - Create a Demux Source on a Broadcaster

  • Multiviewer - Collection of selected sources in a grid

  • Multiplex - Create a Multiplex Source on a Broadcaster