Source Content Analysis

Source Content Analysis

Shows a list of streaming errors that occurred on this Source. The list includes sub-sections for  Content Analysis, TR101 Priority 1 and TR101 Priority 2. Content Analysis shows errors detected in the audio and video content itself. TR101 shows errors detected in the stream. This information can be helpful for troubleshooting problems in the system. For example,  if you get Continuity Count errors you should check in the History Tab if this coincides with detection of Unrecovered Packets, which would indicate a problem with the way that your Zixi Source is being processed. You can reset the Content Analysis and TR101 logs by clicking on the Reset button at the bottom of the page.

PCR Accuracy Errors are only relevant for CBR streams. For VBR streams these errors can be ignored.

The following table explains the data shown for each listing.




An indicator of the status for this Event Type.

  • Red – The Source has experienced an event of this Event Type.
  • Green – This Source has not experienced an event of this Event Type.


The type of event specified in this listing.


The number of events of this type that have occurred on this Source.


The date and time of the most recent event of this type.


A description of the most recent event that occurred.