Source History Frame Delivery %
Source History Frame Delivery %
- Eli Pielet (Writec) (Unlicensed)
- Alon Men
Owned by Eli Pielet (Writec) (Unlicensed)
Frame Delivery analysis identifies missing or corrupt video or audio frames in a stream sent from a Feeder to a Broadcaster (v13 and up) on a per PID basis. A frame is considered corrupt if the frame's data is completely missing, partially missing or if it depends on a frame whose data is completely missing or partially missing.
This graph shows the percentage of good frames (i.e. not corrupt and not missing) out of the total frames per PID. So that a stream with no missing or corrupt frames would have Stream Quality 100% for all PIDs.
If a stream had poor Stream Quality at a particular point in time you can check the Network and Content Analysis graphs for that point in time to help you to isolate the source of the problem.