Viewing Existing Clusters
israel drori (Unlicensed)
Alon Men
Eli Pielet (Writec) (Unlicensed)
To view the Broadcaster Cluster list, make sure that the Clusters view is selected.
The Broadcaster Cluster screen displays all existing clusters, and information about the clusters' status and configuration. Broadcaster Clusters that include configured Broadcasters in them are marked with a drop-down icon. Clicking the drop-down icon reveals the underlying Broadcasters.
It is possible to add more columns to the list. If you want to view resources that were marked as Priority or with certain Tags, add the Priority or Tags column and sort by them.
When a cluster is selected, the list pane is minimized and detailed info about the selected cluster is shown on the right side of the screen. The right side of the screen includes an Info Pane (at the top), which displays basic information and the various tabs. For more information, see Info Pages.
The info can be shown in Tab view or Widgets views. For more information about Widgets, see Using Widgets.
The screen's layout can be customized. For more information, see Customizing the Info Panel (Layout) and Collapsing and restoring the details and resources panes.
The Info Panel includes the following details:
To customize the Info Panel, follow the instructions in Customizing the Info Panel (Layout).
Parameter | Description |
DNS Prefix | The first label in the DNS name of the domain. Click the copy icon to copy the details. |
Events Configuration Profile | The Events Configuration Profile that was assigned to this Cluster. Events Profiles are used to customize the way that Events are handled in ZEN Master. Click to view the event configuration. |
Tags | The Tags that are associated with this cluster. Tags are managed by Administrators via Configuration > Tags and assigned to non-Admin users via Roles. Click to edit. |
Authorization Mode | The method used to verify authorization to access the broadcaster cluster. Possible values are: ZEN, External Server, Global Password, Free for All and Manual. |
Management Type | The Management type: manual, AWS, Azure or GCP. |
Region | The cloud service region. |
Instance Type | The name of the instance type on which the cluster is running on. Click the copy icon to copy the details. |
Broadcaster Version | The software version of the Broadcaster. Click the copy icon to copy the details. |
Log SCTE-35 | When enabled, SCTE-35 events are logged, and SCTE-35 notifications are sent. Requires version 13.1.40262 or newer Broadcasters. |
API Credentials | The username and password for accessing the APIs. Click Show to display or copy to copy the credential. |
Activation Key | The cluster’s activation key. |
The following tabs are displayed in the right pane:
- Broadcasters – shows a list of the Broadcasters that are related to this cluster and data about the Broadcasters. You can also add or delete Broadcasters in this tab.
- Redirection Rules – shows a list redirection rules, which are routing rules for Pull requests from clusters or CIDR IP Ranges. The rules can be applied to the client end-point Cluster, or IP CIDR Range, from where the
pull request is initiated. To learn more about redirection rules, see Creating a New Redirection Rule. - Details – shows configuration details of the cluster.
- Events – shows all events related to this cluster that have been generated by the system, such as connections, errors, warnings and disconnections. To learn about the data that is displayed in the Events tab see Events.
- Changes- displays the history of changes that were made to the object configuration. To learn more about changes tracking, see Change Tracking.
- Notes – free-form text can be added with pertinent information about this Cluster.
The main display (before selecting a specific cluster) includes the following data for each Broadcaster cluster:
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name of the cluster as configured in ZEN Master. |
Status | The connection status of the Broadcaster cluster. Possible values:
The |
Management | The type of management. Possible types are:
Broadcasters | The number of related Zixi Broadcasters and their connection status:
Region | Cloud service region |
Instance Type (for Managed clusters) | The Instance Type the cloud service account is using. |
It is possible to add more columns to the list. If you want to view resources that were marked as Priority or with certain Tags, add the Priority or Tags column and sort by them.
When one of the clusters is selected, the details of that cluster, divided into tabs, appears at the right side of the screen.
Parameter | Description |
Broadcasters Tab | View details about Broadcasters in the cluster. Add broadcasters manually; edit, disable and delete existing Broadcasters. The Broadcasters can be viewed in grid or table display. |
Name | The name of the Zixi Broadcaster. |
Status | The connection status of the Zixi Broadcaster:
The |
CPU | The percentage of CPU utilization on the Zixi Broadcaster machine. |
RAM | The percentage of RAM utilization on the Zixi Broadcaster machine. |
HDD | The percentage of hard disk utilization on the Zixi Broadcaster machine. |
In Bitrate | The inbound bitrate in kbps |
Out Bitrate | The outbound bitrate in kbps |
Streams | The total number inputs, outputs and adaptive groups currently active on the Broadcaster. |
Uptime | The time period that the Zixi Broadcaster has been online. |
Primary | Yes - the Broadcaster is configured as "primary". No - the Broadcaster is configured as "backup". |
Public IP | The IP address of the Broadcaster. |
Version | The software version of the Zixi Broadcaster. |
AgentZ | Indicates whether AgentZ has been installed for this Broadcaster. Agent Z is a Sidecar tool that sits on a Zixi Broadcaster, it acquires the system health data and other statistics locally and pushes it to ZEN Master. By enabling this option, ZEN Master will automatically install AgentZ on any existing and future Broadcasters connected to the Cluster. The feature is off by default. Due to AgentZ installation requiring a restart, ZEN Master will not auto-install AgentZ on a Broadcaster that already contains any inputs to avoid disturbing active streams. |
Actions | The following actions are available for each individual Broadcaster:
Redirection Rules Tab | Shows a list of existing redirection rules. Redirection rules specify specific routing rules for Pull requests from clusters or CIDR IP Ranges. To learn more about Redirection Rules, see Creating a New Redirection Rule. |
Description | A description of the rule. |
From | The Cluster from which the Pull Request was initiated |
To | The type of redirection:
Latency Override | The latency when the redirection rule applies. Latency is determined by the following order: Redirection rule latency -> source autopull/pull target latency -> default 1000ms. |
Order | The order value for this rule. Rules are evaluated from lowest to highest order, the first rule that matches will be applied. |
Actions | The following actions are displayed:
Details Tab | |
API Credentials | The username and password for accessing the APIs. |
Management Type | The Management type: manual, AWS, Azure or GCP. |
Deletion Protection | Indicates whether the deletion protection is enabled or disabled. The deletion protection prevents deleting the Cluster. To delete it, you will need to first disable the Deletion Protection. |
Enhanced Monitoring | An AWS mechanism that enables "detailed monitoring", in which data is available in 1-minute periods, as opposed to the 5-minute period of the "basic monitoring" option. The more frequent data is sent to Cloudwatch customers. This service incurs an extra charge directly by AWS. To allow this feature you must enable "detailed monitoring" in your AWS account. |
Account Name (for Managed) | The name of the cloud provider account under which the managed cluster is registered. |
Activation key | The cluster’s activation key. |
Authorization Mode | The method used to verify authorization to access the broadcaster cluster. Possible values are: ZEN, External Server, Global Password, Free for All and Manual. |
Region | The cloud service region. |
Key Pair | The Key Pair used to access the cluster |
VPC | The identifier/name of the Virtual Private Cloud |
Subnet | The identifier/name of the subnet in which the cluster resides |
Security Group | The identifier/name of the security group to which the cluster pertains |
Instance Type | The name of the instance type on which the cluster is running on |
Broadcaster Version | The software version of the Broadcaster |
Events Tab | Shows a list of the events that were generated in ZEN Master in relations to the specific cluster and its broadcasters. To learn about viewing event logs in ZEN Master, see Events. Click Quick Report to generate a report of events related to this broadcaster cluster and download the .xls file. |
Changes Tab | Displays the history of changes that were made to the object configuration. For more information, see Change Tracking. |
Notes Tab | Free-form text with information relevant to this broadcaster cluster. |
1Supported only for Linux based Broadcasters.