Creating a New Redirection Rule

By default in case of a Pull stream in Zixi Broadcaster uses the DNS to resolve the IP of its destination. However, if you are pulling the stream from one cluster to another and both clusters are hosted within the same cloud region, you may want to avoid going through an external DNS server. Another scenario is that for security reasons the traffic cannot flow outside the network. By creating a redirection rule, you can specify specific routing rules for Pull requests from clusters or CIDR IP Ranges. Rules can be applied to the client end-point Cluster, or IP CIDR Range, from where the pull request is initiated. Rules are evaluated in order from lowest order to highest. You can specify the order of a rule in the rule configuration. The first matching rule will apply. If there is no match, the default rule Prefer public IP with DTLS will be used.

It is possible to use this as feature as an allow list by creating a block rule and give it the highest order. In this case, any connection not matched by a rule with a lower order will finally be matched by the blocking rule.

Private/NIC CIDR do not support DTLS and will redirect to a non-DTLS port.

To create a new redirection rule:

  1. Go to Broadcasters and select a Cluster.

  2. Click the Redirection Rules tab.

    redirection rules.png

  3. Click Add Rule.

    new redirection rule.png

    The following dialog is displayed:

  4. In the Description field, write a description for the rule.

  5. In the From field, select one of the following:

    • Cluster - select this option to apply this rule on a Pull Request from a Cluster.

    • CIDR - select this option to apply this rule on a Pull Request from a CIDR IP range. CIDR rules apply to any Zixi pull request, including those from ZECs, IRDs etc.

  6. If you have selected the Cluster option, in the Cluster field, select the Cluster from which the Pull Request is sent.

  7. If you have selected the CIDR option, in the CIDR field specify the CIDR IP range.

  8. In the To field, select one of the following redirection options:

    1. Redirect to public IP - pull requests that match this rule will be resolved by redirecting it through a public IP. This is the default behavior.

    2. Redirect to private IP - pull requests that match this rule will be resolved by redirecting it through a private IP.

    3. Redirect to NIC - pull requests that match this rule will be resolved by redirecting it to a specific NIC.

    4. Block - pull requests that match this rule will be blocked.

  9. If you have selected the Redirect to NIC option, in the NIC CIDR field, specify the CIDR IP range of the NIC.

  10. In the Latency Override field, specify the latency when the redirection rule applies. Latency is determined by the following order: Redirection rule latency -> source autopull/pull target latency -> default 1000ms.

  11. In the Order field, specify the order value for this rule. Rules are evaluated from lowest to highest order, the first rule that matches will be applied.

  12. Click Save.