Customizing the Info Panel (Layout)

Customizing the Info Panel (Layout)

It is possible to customize the Info Panel. The available customizations include:

  • Drag individual tiles left and right on the two rows.

  • Add new tiles from the tiles list.

  • Delete tiles from the second row.

  • Pin/Unpin each row.

Unlocking the layout

Before you can customize the Info Panel, you need to unlock its layout.

To unlock the layout:

  1. Click the Unlock button, located at the lower right corner.



  2. Make the changes, as described below and click Save when done.



  3. You can click Revert to undo the last change or click Reset to undo all the changes.

Moving tiles

To move tiles:

  1. Unlock the Info Panel.

  2. Drag and drop the tile to the desired location on the Info Panel within the same row.

Adding new tiles

Additional tiles can be added to the second row.

To add new tiles:

  1. Unlock the Info Panel.

  2. On the second row click the Edit button.

  3. Select the tiles that you want to add.

Deleting tiles

Tiles can be removed from the second row.

To delete a tile:

  1. Unlock the Info Panel.

  2. Hover your mouse on the tile and click the Remove button.


Pinning/unpinning a row

To pin/unpin a row:

  1. Unlock the Info Panel.

  2. Hover your mouse on the row and click the Pin/Unpin icon.