Manually Running a Task Set

Manually Running a Task Set

Each Task Set runs automatically according to the schedule/s that were created for that Task Set. You can also run a Task Set manually at any time.

You must run a complete Task Set. There is no method available for running an individual task that is part of a Task Set. If you would like to run one particular task then you must create a Task Set including only that task.

When you manually run a Task Set, no end time is assigned to the task. This means that the tasks will continue running indefinitely until the actions are reversed manually. For example, if you manually run a task to mute a group of objects, they remain muted until you take a separate action to unmute them.

To manually run a Task Set:

  1. In the main navigation, click Automation.
    The Automation screen opens.
  2. Select the Task Set that you would like to run.
    Details of the selected Task Set are shown at the right side of the screen.
  3. In the Info pane, click Run Task Set.
    The Task Set begins running momentarily. You can view the run details in the Schedules tab.

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