Adding an AWS MediaConnect Source

Adding an AWS MediaConnect Source

docs - zixi_source_topologies3.png

This Source is configured on an AWS MediaConnect that serves as the Ingest Object. The Origin can be one of the following:

  • Zixi Protocol - the following Origin components can stream to the AWS MediaConnect Ingest component using the Zixi protocol:

    • Feeder/ZEC/Broadcaster - these components are managed by ZEN Master. The streaming uses the Zixi protocol. Once the AWS MediaConnect Flow channel is configured, ZEN Master will automatically configure the component to push the stream to the relevant MediaConnect Flow.

    • Zixi Other - this can be a Zixi-enabled encoder that streams using the Zixi protocol. This component is not managed by ZEN Master.

  • RTP-FEC protocol - any non-Zixi component streaming to the AWS MediaConnect Ingest component using the RTP-FEC protocol. This component is not managed by ZEN Master.

  • RTP protocol - any non-Zixi component streaming to the AWS MediaConnect Ingest component using the RTP protocol. This component is not managed by ZEN Master.

  • RIST protocol - any non-Zixi component streaming to the AWS MediaConnect Ingest component using the RIST protocol. This component is not managed by ZEN Master.

  • SRT protocol - any non-Zixi component streaming to the AWS MediaConnect Ingest component using the SRT protocol. This component is not managed by ZEN Master.

  • CDI protocol - any non-Zixi component streaming to the AWS MediaConnect Ingest component using the CDI protocol. This component is not managed by ZEN Master.

  • AWS Elemental Link protocol - an AWS Elemental Link Encoder streaming to the AWS MediaConnect Ingest component using the AWS Elemental Link protocol. This component is not managed by ZEN Master.


You don’t need to have the AWS MediaConnect Flow channel ready at this point. You can create it later in the Channels section and connect it to the Source.