Adding Roles
Adding Roles
- israel drori (Unlicensed)
- Alon Men
- Eli Pielet (Writec) (Unlicensed)
Owned by israel drori (Unlicensed)
To add a role:
- In the main navigation, click Account Management > Roles.
- Click + Add.
The Create New Role window is displayed: - In the Name field, enter a name for the new role.
- In the Tag field, select a predefined Tag from the drop-down list.
Tags are used for access control. By assigning a Tag to this role you enable users with this role to access all system object to which the Tag is assigned. If you would like to create a new Tag, see Creating a Tag. - Under Permissions, for object type select the permission level that will be assigned to this role. You can apply the same selection on an entire category (e.g. Resources, Channels, Sources, etc.) by selecting it at the category level, which is highlighted in gray. The options are:
- Read – allows users with this role to view objects of this type but not edit their configuration.
- Write – allows users with this role to edit the configuration of objects of this type.
- Notify – allows users with this role to receive notifications/alerts regarding this object type.
- In the Users field, select from the drop-down list the users you would like to assign the role to.
- In the Groups field, select from the drop-down list the groups you would like to assign the role to.
- Click Save.
The new role is added to the list of roles.