Configuring Flapping Detection

Configuring Flapping Detection

ZEN Master uses Flapping Detection to stop the system from flooding users with multiple notifications for a particular object in the system that undergoes frequent state changes. Once the threshold frequency of recurrence is reached, the system automatically mutes the notifications for that object until it becomes stabilized.

Users can configure the settings for what degree of frequency causes the notifications to be muted and how long the system must remain stable before notifications for that object are reactivated, see Flapping Detection.

The following table describes the information shown in this section:



Window [minutes]

The number of minutes in which the specified number of state changes must occur to trigger the Flapping Detection.

State Changes

The number of state changes that must occur in the specified window of time in order to trigger the Flapping Detection.

Cooldown [minutes]

The number of minutes that the object must remain stable in order to resume sending notifications for that object.

Update button

Activates changes made to the configuration.

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