Incident Details Events View
The Incident Details Events View shows all Events that occurred for the specified object during the Incident time range. This helps identify causal relationships between Events. For more information see Events. Clicking on an Event displays the object’s details screen of the object that experienced the event.
The screen includes the following elements:
Incident name - The name of the incident. The name can be edited. By default, if the incident was automatically created, the name will include the following structure - <root_cause_category> <identifier> .
Root cause notice - in case of an auto-generated incident, this notice includes the reason for generating the event. It includes the following structure:
The name of the root cause category.
An indication of the number of components in the network that have experienced error events/unrecovered packets events around the same time.
The name of the network these objects share
Impact - the number of objects, active broadcasters and client networks involved in the incident.
Date Range - the date range of the incident. Modifying the date range can be done by selecting one of the predefined time ranges or by selecting specific start and end dates.
Filter – type a string to filter the list of events that match the string.
Event Types – select/deselect the checkbox to show/hide events of this type.
Quick Report – click to download the list of events in Spreadsheet format.
Columns - controls the number of columns used to layout graphs on the page.
Export – Exports the incident page content to a PDF file.
Notes – The notes pane allows you to view and add notes to the incident.
Edit – Opens a dialog where the name, state (open or closed) and root cause of the incident can be modified.
Revert – resets incident graph selections and date range back to previously saved values.
Save - updates incident graph selections and date range.