Viewing Existing Channels

The main display view includes the following data and actions for each channel:

It is possible to add more columns to the list. If you want to view resources that were marked as Priority, add the Priority column and sort by it. 




The name of the Channel.


Shows the status of the Channel. Possible statuses are:

  • Green – OK
  • Red – error state
  • Pink (shown together with a checkmark) – acknowledged error state
  • Yellow – Warning (recovered from error event)
  • Gray – pending/disabled 

The icon next to a channel indicates that the Channel is muted, disabling notifications for error/recovery events.

Proc. Cluster

The name of the Channel Processing cluster that is used for the Channel.

BroadcasterThe name of the Broadcaster that is used for the Channel.
SourcesThe number of Sources assigned to the Channel and their statuses. For single Source Channels the name of the Source is displayed.


The type of Channel, possible types are:

  • Adaptive Channel – combines multiple Sources to create a unified HLS stream for output to an HTTP, S3, MediaStore, Azure Blob or GCP Target.
  • Transcoded Channel – transcodes a single Source to multiple bitrates for output to an HTTP, S3, MediaStore, Azure Blob or GCP Target.
  • Pass-through Channel – sends the Source to an output.


The number of output Targets and their statuses.

When a Channel is selected, the current data about the Channel is displayed in the Info pane. The Info pane displays statistical data about the current state of the Channel. Each Channel type displays different statistics, see Channel Info Pane for more details.