Adding Pass-Through Channels

Pass-Through channels do not involve any actual processing to the stream. A Pass-Through Channel with a single Source simply sends the Source to an output. A Pass-Through Channel with multiple Sources creates redundancy by defining parallel streams from multiple Sources as a single entity. This ensures that if one Source becomes inactive the stream will be automatically transmitted from the parallel Source. To learn more about redundancy in ZEN Master see Redundancy in ZEN Master.

The following procedure describes how to add a Pass-Through Channel in ZEN Master. In addition, an explanation of each of the configuration parameters is given in the table below.

To add a Pass-Through channel:

  1. In the main navigation, click Channels.
  2. Click + Add.
    The Create New Channel selection menu is displayed.
  3. Click on Pass-Through.
    The Create Pass-Through Channel window is displayed.
  4. In the Info section, in the Name field, enter a logical name for the Channel.
  5. In the Tags field, select one or more of the predefined Tags from the drop-down list.
    Tags are used for access control. By selecting an Tag, you are relating this Channel to that Tag. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups. If you would like to create a new Tag, see Creating a Tag.
  6. In the Events Configuration Profile field, select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.

    Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.

  7. In the Configuration section, in the Processing Cluster field, select from the drop-down list one of the Channel Processing clusters that has been configured in ZEN Master. The selected cluster will be used to process this Channel.

    If the Source does not exist in the cluster, then the cluster will pull the Source automatically.

  8. Under Target Broadcaster/s, select your broadcaster preference. Either select a specific broadcaster to be used OR specify using primary vs. backup broadcasters, options are: Primary Broadcasters only, Backup Broadcasters only or Any.

    For managed clusters, it is not recommended to select a specific broadcaster, as the broadcaster's availability may not remain stable.

  9. Select the  Alternative Channel (Disaster Recovery section), to enable reverting an entire path after the Source (i.e., Channel/Broadcaster to the Target) to go through an alternative path, which is usually hosted on an alternative cloud/region.
  10. In the Sources section, add one or more Sources to the Channel and designate whether it should be used as a backup source for redundancy.
    1. Find the Source that you would like to add either by scrolling through the list of available Sources or by entering a search word into the Filter If the Source that you would like to add is not yet configured in ZEN Master, see Sources.
    2. Add a Source by clicking the button next to the Source.
      The Source is moved to the top of the list, above the Filter
    3. To designate the Source as a backup, select the Backup
    4. Repeat the above procedure for each Source that you would like to add to the Channel.

      If you would like to remove a selected Source, click on the  button next to the Source.

      All Access Tags that are assigned to the selected Sources are added by default to the Channel.

  11. In the Initial State section, select the Disabled checkbox if you would like to disable this Channel upon initial configuration.
  12. Select the Muted checkbox if you would like to disable error/recovery notifications for this Channel upon initial configuration.

    You can Enable/Unmute the Channel at any time.

  13. Click Save.
  14. If you would like to customize, click Advanced.

    The Advanced settings are displayed.

Pass-Through Channel Configuration Parameters Table





Specify a name for the Pass-Through Channel in ZEN Master.


Select one or more of the predefined Tags from the drop-down list.

Tags are used for access control. By selecting an Tag, you are relating this Channel to that Tag. Tags are associated with certain roles (through the Users & Roles screen), and roles, in turn, are associated with users and user groups. If you would like to create a new Tag, see Creating a Tag.

Events Configuration Profile

Select from the dropdown list the profile that you would like to apply to this Channel. By default, the Default profile is applied.

Note: Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.


Processing Cluster

Select from the drop-down list one of the Channel Processing clusters that has been configured in ZEN Master. The selected cluster will be used to process this Channel.

Note: If the Source does not exist in the cluster, then the cluster will pull the Source automatically.

Target Broadcaster/s

Select your broadcaster preference. Either select a specific broadcaster to be used OR specify using primary vs. backup broadcasters, options are: Primary Broadcasters only, Backup Broadcasters only or Any.

Note: For managed clusters, it is not recommended to select a specific broadcaster, as the broadcaster’s availability may not remain stable.

Alternative Channel (Disaster Recovery)

Enables reverting an entire path after the Source (i.e., Channel/Broadcaster to the Target) to go through an alternative path, which is usually hosted on an alternative cloud/region. The redirection to the alternative path is manual. So, in case of a fault, if there is no time to troubleshoot a problem, this mechanism allows the user to select the feed that has an issue, click a button and revert the stream to go through a pre-configured alternative path. 

For example, if you have a Channel and a Broadcaster on GCP and a secondary Channel and Broadcaster on Azure. If something goes wrong with the GCP path, you can click the Go to Alternative button and failover everything to Azure. 


Add one or more Sources to the Channel by clicking the  button next to the Source and select the checkbox if you would like to designate them as backup sources for redundancy

To remove a Source from the Channel, click on the  button next to the Source.

Initial State
DisabledSelect this checkbox if you would like to disable this Channel upon initial configuration.
MutedSelect this checkbox if you would like to disable error/recovery notifications for this Channel upon initial configuration.
External IDThe ID that is used when integrating ZEN  Master with an external ESNI?ESAM server. For more details, contact  your Zixi representative.