Playing an Encrypted Zixi Stream

Playing an Encrypted Zixi Stream

Zixi streams can be encrypted using 128, 192 or 256 Bit AES encryption keys. To play an encrypted Zixi stream in VLC, you must be provided with the appropriate decryption key (via your administrator) of the following format: 876e04a9f07b4b10iou4350943iu45656dsc56095ikjkjkre4207d3822e77dea

Once added the VLC Zixi Plug-In Decryption Key is global to all streams, and must be change manually if the user pulls a Zixi stream from a different source or a stream encrypted with a different key.

To play an encrypted file:

  1. Access the Zixi VLC plug-in preferences.
  2. In the Decryption Key field paste your decryption key. 

  3. Click Save and close the VLC player. 

  4. Restart VLC for your changes to take effect.

  5. Play the encrypted Zixi stream as normal by following the Playing a Zixi-enabled Stream procedure.

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