Configuring the Input Stream on Zixi Receiver

Configuring the Input Stream on Zixi Receiver

Zixi Receiver will connect to the Zixi Broadcaster to pull the Input stream that has been configured in the Zixi Broadcaster. When this connection is established, the output stream will appear automatically in the Zixi Broadcaster.

Stream names are case sensitive and must be identical.

The following instructions describe the process of configuring the input stream in Zixi Receiver, but they do not cover all the relevant fields and steps to configure an input stream. For more information regarding additional settings, please refer to the Zixi Receiver User Guide.

To configure an input stream on Zixi Receiver:

  1. In the Zixi Receiver Navigation menu, click the Inputs
  2. In the Menu bar, click New Input.
    The Stream details screen is displayed:

  3. In the Input Name field, type the exact same stream name (case sensitive) that was used during the configuration of the Input in the Zixi Broadcaster.
  4. Select the Pull radio button.
  5. In the Host field, type the host name or IP address of the Zixi Broadcaster.
  6. In the Port field, type 2077 (default port).
  7. Fill in additional parameters as needed.
  8. Click OK.

The stream is added to the Zixi Receiver and will attempt to pull the stream from Zixi Broadcaster.

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