Step 2 - Setting ZEC to receive RTMP
Step 2 - Setting ZEC to receive RTMP
Before adding streams, we need to configure ZEC to accept RTMP. It is possible to have RTMP inputs automatically connect by checking the Allow automatic RTMP input check box. In this case you could skip the adding an input section below. Once Wirecast is pushing the stream you can "Save" it on the ZEC inputs page to preserve the input even when Wirecast is not pushing the stream.
To configure RTMP settings:
On the ZEC UI, go to SETTINGS > Live Protocols.
In the RTMP Server section, select the Enable RTMP Server checkbox.
Ensure that the RTMP server port is set 1935. Optionally check Allow automatic RTMP input. This allows RTMP inputs to automatically connect. In this case you will not need to manually add these inputs.
, multiple selections available,
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