Jumbo Frame Support

Jumbo Frame Support

The Zixi Broadcaster now supports jumbo frames and packet aggregation on network connections.  A jumbo frame is an Ethernet frame with a payload greater than the standard maximum transmission unit (MTU) of 1,500 bytes.  Jumbo frames are used on local area networks that support at least 1 Gbps and can be as large as 9,000 bytes.  Packet aggregation combines multiple packets together, which can improve throughput.  Jumbo frames, i.e. ethernet frames larger than 1500 bytes, are not supported on the public Internet.  However, packet aggregation will be enabled for MTU values > 0 and specifying an MTU up to 1500 can be used on the public Internet and may improve throughput.

To enable jumbo frames and packet aggregation, the MTU setting on both the Broadcaster client and Broadcaster server should be set using the following API call:

URL: http://<broadcaster_host>:<broadcaster_port>/apply_settings.json


private_interface[{port: 2088, ip: "", device: "", dtls: 0, tos: 0, mtu: 9000}]

public_interface: [{port: 2077, ip: "", device: "", dtls: 0, tos: 0, mtu: 9000}]

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