Creating a Grid

To create a new Grid:

  1. In the main navigation, click Grids.
  2. Click + Add Grid.
    The Create New Grid window is displayed.
  3. In the Info section, in the Name field, enter a name for the Grid.
  4. If you would like to make the Grid available to all users, click the Public checkbox.

    Only Admin users can make Grids available to the "public". If the Public checkbox isn't selected then the Grid is only available for the user who created it. Even when Grids are made public, users who aren't authorized to access particular objects (based on Tags) won't be able to view those objects in the Grids.

  5. In the Filter section, in the Type field, select the type of Grid. Options are:
    • Status – shows a tile with relevant data for each object OR
    • Thumbnails (for Source Grids only) – shows a thumbnail of the current content of the Source

      For a list of supported formats for showing Thumbnails, see Supported Formats for Thumbnail View.

  6. In the Object Types section, click on the checkbox next to each type of object that you would like to include in the Grid (e.g. Feeders, Clusters etc.).

    For Thumbnail Grids, the Object Type selection is not shown since the only relevant type is Sources.

  7. If you would like to filter the objects shown in the Grid by Tags, click on the Only Show Objects… field and select one or more Tags from the drop-down list.
  8. By default the Match Any radio button is selected, to include all objects that have any of the above Access Tags. If you would like to include only objects that have all of the above listed Tags, then select the Match All radio button.
  9. If you would like to exclude objects with a particular Tag/s, click on the Do Not Show Objects… field and select one or more Tags from the drop-down list.
  10. If you would like to filter the objects shown in the Grid by Name:
    1. In the Name Filter (include) field, enter the characters that must be part of the Name in order for an object to be included.
    2. In the Name Filter (exclude) field, enter the characters that must not be part of the name in order for an object to be included.
  11. If you would like to filter the objects shown in the Grid by Status, in the Status field, click on the 'x' next to a status to remove it from the Grid.

    The default setting is to include all Statuses. Once a Status has been removed, it can be re-included by selecting it from the dropdown list.

  12. In the Muted Objects section, select the radio button for the type of objects that you would like to include in the Grid. Options are: Show all objects (default), Do not show muted objects or Only show muted objects.
  13. In the Acknowledged Objects section (i.e. error states that have been marked as acknowledged), select the radio button for the type of objects that you would like to include in the Grid. Options are: Show all objects (default), Do not show acknowledged objects or Only show acknowledged objects.
  14. In the Display Section under Sort By, select the way in which the objects are sorted. Options are: Status (default), Health or Name
  15. In the Fields section (for Status type Grids), select the checkbox next to each of the data elements that you would like to include in the display. Options are: Status, Health, Bitrate, TR101, Latency, IP, CPU, RAM, Bandwidth and Version.

    Each selected data element is shown only for objects for which it is relevant, i.e. Bitrate and TR101 status are shown for Sources while IP and CPU are shown for resources.

  16. In the Rows field, set the number of rows shown in the Grid (default: Auto).
  17. In the Columns field, set the number of columns shown in the Grid (default: Auto).
  18. If you would like to automatically cycle through the pages, select the Enable checkbox and enter the number of seconds of the interval.

    When this feature is selected, the user is able to adjust the interval as well as to pause/restart the cycling.

  19. If Thumbnails was selected, under Thumbnail refresh, adjust the thumbnail refresh time by sliding the indicator on the bar to display the desired number of seconds. Options are: 2-20 seconds. (Default: 8 seconds)
  20. In the Settings section, select the checkbox next to each of the settings that you would like to apply to the Grid. Options are:
    • Fit Screen
    • Show Overlay (for Thumbnails type Grids)
  21. Click Save.