Incident Details Graphs View


The Graphs View displays on the left pane History Graphs that show a graphic display of an objects or multiple objects activity and performance over time. Data is shown on separate line graphs for each value that is relevant for a type of object. On the right is the Objects and graphs selection pane, which lists all objects involved in the incident, allowing you to show/hide objects from the graphs and select which graphs to display. The graphs display the data at a default time range, however it is possible to modify this time range to receive additional context.   

The screen includes the following elements:

  • Incident name - The name of the incident. The name can be edited. By default, if the incident was automatically created, the name will include the following structure - <root_cause_category> <identifier> .

  • Root cause notice - in case of an auto-generated incident, this notice includes the reason for generating the event. It includes the following structure:

    • The name of the root cause category.

    • An indication of the number of components in the network that have experienced error events/unrecovered packets events around the same time.

    • The name of the network these objects share

  • Impact - the number of objects, active broadcasters and client networks involved in the incident.

  • Date Range - the date range of the incident. Modifying the date range can be done by selecting one of the predefined time ranges or by selecting specific start and end dates.

  • Show/Hide Legend – shows/hides the legends on graphs.

  • Columns - controls the number of columns used to layout graphs on the page.

  • Export – Exports the incident page content to a PDF file.

  • Notes – The notes pane allows you to view and add notes to the incident.

  • Edit – Opens a dialog where the name, state (open or closed) and root cause of the incident can be modified.

  • Revert – resets incident graph selections and date range back to previously saved values.

  • Save - updates incident graph selections and date range.