Creating a WebRTC Output

Creating a WebRTC Output

Zixi Broadcaster can transcode a TS stream Input into a WebRTC output using the relevant profiles, depending on the input video and audio, as described in the Video and Audio Codec Support Options section. Before creating the WebRTC output, make sure you have configured the relevant transcoding profiles Creating Transcoding Profiles for WebRTC. When the input stream is transcoded, it becomes available to be pulled by the WebRTC player.

Not supported on ARM-based systems.

To Create a WebRTC Output:

  1. Create an input stream by following the instructions in the Adding Input Streams section of the Broadcaster UG.

  2. Click the Actions button on the right end of the input stream row, and then click Transcode.
    The Transcode <input stream name> window with the settings of the selected input stream is displayed.

  3. Enter the unique Stream ID, which will correspond to the new transcoded input that will be added.

  4. In the Output Type field, select WebRTC.

  5. Under Stream Parameters, in the Video profile field, select the desired video profile for the desired method. Only supported profiles are shown. If you would like to remove the video or audio stream completely, select Remove stream.

    • Pass-Through – select Keep original stream

    • Single Version Transcoding – select a profile that converts to H.264 with Main or Baseline profile and no B Frames

    • Multiple Version Transcoding – select a profile that converts to RAW video

  6. In the Audio profile field, select the desired audio profile for the desired method. Only supported profiles are shown. If you would like to remove the video or audio stream completely, select Remove stream.

    • Pass-Through – select Keep original stream

    • Single Version Transcoding – select a profile that converts to Opus

    • Multiple Version Transcoding – select a profile that converts to RAW audio Only supported profiles are shown.

  7. Configure additional parameters as required, see Transcoding an Input Stream.

  8. Click OK. The transcoded input stream is created and appears in an embedded window labeled Transcoded sources under the original input stream from which it was created.

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