Playing back VOD content

Playing back VOD content

The VOD content can be played back using VLC (with Zixi Plugin for Zixi streams) and/or streamed to a Zixi Receiver or to a Zixi Broadcaster by using the following methods:

  • URL (Static) – entering a specific URL of a file. To find the URL of a specific file, go to the VOD screen, navigate to the specific file, and click on the relevant playback icon:
    •  - VLC Playback – click this icon to see the VLC playback URL and additional details, such as VLC plugin download link, and link to stream the file.
    • - HLS Playback – click this icon to see the following three HLS playback URLs: local HLS playback (not Zixi protected), HLS playback using Zixi Proxy (Zixi Protected), HLS playback using Zixi Proxy through HTTPS (Zixi protected). The Zixi Proxy links require the installation of Zixi Proxy software in the receiving device/machine. The dialog includes links for downloading the Zixi Proxy for Windows and Mac.
    •  - HDS Playback – click this icon to see the Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming Protocol playback URL. The Play from server link, plays back the stream directly from the server.
    •  - Flash Playback – click this icon to see the following three Flash playback URLs: local Flash playback (not Zixi protected), Flash playback using Zixi Proxy (Zixi Protected), Flash playback using Zixi Proxy through HTTPS (Zixi protected). The Zixi Proxy links require the installation of Zixi Proxy software in the receiving device/machine. The dialog includes links for downloading the Zixi Proxy for Windows and Mac.
    •  - Dash Playback - click this icon to see the MPEG-DASH playback URL. The Play from server link, plays back the stream directly from the server.
  • API (Dynamic) – you can use the Zixi API to implement dynamic access to the VOD content. For example, you can create an application that enables navigation throughout the VOD library (including folders and sub-folders) to access files in a dynamic fashion.
    The API GET request is: http://<broadcaster_location><web_server_port>/vod_ls.json



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