Adding SRT Client Outputs

Adding SRT Client Outputs

The SRT Client output can be pushed to an SRT-enabled device. SRT stands for ‘Secure Reliable Transport’ and is an open-source video transport protocol and technology stack. SRT uses secure streams and easy firewall traversal to optimize streaming performance and deliver high-quality video over even the most unreliable networks.

To Create an SRT Output:

  1. In the Zixi Broadcaster Outputs page, click  . The New Output window is displayed.
  2. Type in the unique identifier for this output in the Output Name.
  3. Select an Input Stream to be made available on this output from the adjacent drop-down list.
  4. Select the Show in Matrix check box to display this stream in the Matrix (see Using the Matrix). Default: Selected.
  5. Select SRT Client.
  6. Enter the Output Parameters (see Output Stream Parameters Table).
  7. Click OK.

The new SRT Client Output with its settings is created and now appears on the screen.

Output Stream Parameters Table

Output Parameters

The destination host for the SRT stream.

PortSpecify the ports to which the stream will be pushed. 

If the stream is password protected, enter the password.


Specify the maximum latency of the stream in milliseconds. Default: 1000

Encryption Type

Specify the type of Encryption (AES 128/192/256).

Billing Codes

Billing codes are used to identify and differentiate traffic on a Zixi Broadcaster for billing purposes. When a billing code is added to a Source or Target, Zixi can track the traffic on that Broadcaster input or output separately from other inputs and outputs on the same Broadcaster. Billing codes are created by Zixi personnel on the Zixi Customer Portal for a particular organization.

Billing Code

Enter the billing code that corresponds to this stream. The relevant billing can be obtained from the organization that received the billing code from Zixi.

Billing passwordEnter the password that corresponds to this billing code.
Enable DecryptionSelect this checkbox to decrypt an encrypted stream.
Decryption type

If the stream has been encrypted, you can decrypt through the output by selecting this checkbox and specifying the type of encryption that was used.

Select Automatic to decrypt a stream that has been encrypted using Automatic encryption.

Only if the stream has not been encrypted, select None (default).

Important Notice: if the stream has been encrypted you must decrypt it in the output

Decryption key

If the decryption type includes a key, enter the key to decrypt the stream during output.

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