Adding an ASI Stream to Feeder

Adding an ASI Stream to Feeder

If you have an ASI card that is compatible with Zixi1, the ASI card will convert the ASI-MPTS stream to an IP/MPTS stream and transmit it to the Zixi Feeder. By adding an ASI input stream, you can configure Zixi Feeder to listen to the specified ASI card from which the stream will be transmitted.

To  Add an ASI Stream:

  1. In the Zixi Feeder Inputs page, click the + New Input button in the Menu bar.
    The Add Input window is displayed:

  2. Enter the unique Input Name (an internal name) for the Feeder.

  3. Select ASI for the Input Source.

  4. In the Cards field, select the available ASI card from the drop-down list. Only the physical ASI cards which have been installed on the machine will appear in the drop-down list.

  5. Click OK.
    The “Input added” message appears on the top of the screen.
    The ASI Stream is added to the Zixi Feeder and now appears in the list of streams available in the  Zixi Feeder inputs screen.

1 The following ASI cards have been tested and found to be compatible with Zixi on both Linux CentOS and Windows systems: DTA-2144B (4 ports) or DTA-2145 (2 ports). Additional types of ASI cards may also be compatible.

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