Introduction to Zixi Feeder

Introduction to Zixi Feeder

Zixi Feeder resides at the point of acquisition and is either embedded inside Zixi EcoZystem partner encoder HW or SW, inside a camera (no back pack or field pack required), or can be installed on a pc that will be operated with any non-Zixi enabled encoder or camera.  Zixi Feeder accepts and prepares the encoded video for transmission over standard internet connections using Zixi's UDP based transport stream protocol.  By communicating with the Zixi Broadcaster or the Zixi Receiver, it creates a secure reliable network-aware delivery path.

Zixi Feeder offers the following features:

  • Robust content delivery over IP - Communicates with Zixi Broadcaster using UDP-based, video-optimized protocols on standard IP networks.
  • Broad range of encoders - Accepts inputs from a broad range of hardware/software encoders and professional-grade cameras.
  • Recording - Stores streams as MPEG-TS files.
  • Transport Stream Analyzer – MPEG-TS ETSI TR 101-290 analyzer (priority 1 and 2)
  • Monitoring - Captures network and content specific statistical information in real-time.
  • Supports many to many and any to any - Gateway platform between UDP (unicast/multicast), Zixi protected stream (unicast/multicast), RTMP, or other supported formats.
  • Network bonding with hit-less fail-over - Divides a stream into several network channels and then subsequently reunites them at the Zixi Broadcaster side, enabling simultaneous load balancing between multiple networks and ensuring high availability of the stream. Zixi Feeder can be configured to automatically use all available network interfaces, while automatically adapting to changes in the IP addresses without requiring additional configuration.   
  • AES stream encryption -  Zixi Feeder can encrypt outputs using a fixed key (AES 128, AES 192, AES 256) which can be entered into the output settings or automatically generated. In addition, selection of Automatic mode will generate the encryption and exchange it securely between the applications automatically.

It is possible to connect Zixi Feeder directly to an embedded Zixi Receiver based on point-to-point communication, however this capability requires specific integration and is not generally available.

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