Installation Guide

Installation Guide

The following installation guide includes installation procedures for the following Zixi products on Linux and Windows environments:

  • Zixi Feeder 
  • Zixi Broadcaster
  • Zixi Receiver

Security Settings

The installation requires an internet connection and the following ports must be opened on your Firewall(s) for inbound and outbound traffic as described below:

Zixi Feeder Settings

2088UDPOutboundFeeder push to Broadcaster, Zixi protocol
7088UDPOutboundFeeder push to Broadcaster, Zixi protocol with DTLS 

Encoder push to Feeder, RTMP protocol

4200TCPInboundWeb management UI, HTTP protocol

Zixi Receiver Settings

2077UDPOutboundReceiver pull from Broadcaster, Zixi protocol
7077UDPOutboundReceiver pull from Broadcaster, Zixi protocol with DTLS
4300TCPInboundWeb management UI, HTTP protocol

Zixi Broadcaster Settings

2088UDPInboundFeeder push to Broadcaster, Zixi protocol
7088UDPInboundFeeder push to Broadcaster, Zixi protocol with DTLS 
2077UDPInboundReceiver pull from Broadcaster, Zixi protocol
7077UDPInboundReceiver pull from Broadcaster, Zixi protocol with DTLS
1935TCPInboundEncoder push to Broadcaster, RTMP protocol
1935TCPOutboundBroadcaster push to CDN or RTMP server, RTMP protocol
7777TCPInboundHTML5 video player or CDN pull from Broadcaster, HTTP streaming protocol - HLS or DASH
4444TCPInboundWeb management UI, HTTP protocol

To activate Zixi license please ensure connection to URL: license.zixi.com via TCP port 80. If you cannot open this connection, you can activate your license through a "License File".

To obtain a license file, please contact Zixi support - support@zixi.com.

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