Creating RTMP Outputs Using Facebook Live

Creating RTMP Outputs Using Facebook Live

As part of the RTMP output configuration process, you can configure Facebook Live targets for your Zixi Broadcaster. This enables you to send an RTMPS stream into Facebook Live using your Facebook authorization/login and settings. You can set the privacy authorization to determine who can access the stream. You can also configure how it will be posted to Facebook (e.g. User feed, Page, Event or Group). For Regular Streams, with a limited duration, you have the option of saving the stream as VOD to enable subsequent viewing.

To create an RTMP output using Facebook Live:

  1. In the Zixi Broadcaster Outputs page, click .The New output window is displayed.                                  
  2. Type the unique identifier for this output in the Output Name.
  3. Select an Input Stream to be made available on this output from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the Show in Matrix check box to display this stream in the Matrix (see Using the Matrix). Default: Selected.
  5. Select RTMP.
  6. Click the  icon. An authorization window opens.
  7. Click Authorize. The Facebook login page opens in your browser.
  8. Log in to your account using your Facebook username and password.The Facebook privacy authorization screen is displayed.
  9. To set the privacy authorization for your Zixi Broadcaster posts, click the Friends button. A drop-down menu appears.
  10. Select who is authorized to view your posts. The authorization options are:
    Public – Your post will be available to the general public and is visible to search engines.
    Friends – Only your Facebook Friends can view your post.
    Only me – No one else can view your post.
    Custom – You can specify which individuals or groups will be able to view your post.
  11. Click OK. The Manage Pages screen is displayed. This enables Zixi Broadcaster to post the stream to your Pages and Groups.
  12. Click OK. The Facebook Video Stream setup page is displayed.
  13. Select the stream destination. The destination options are:
    User feed – The stream will be posted as part of your User feed.
    Page – The stream will be posted to a Facebook Page associated with your account.
    Event – The stream will be posted to a Facebook Event page associated with your account.
    Group. The stream will bee posted to a Facebook Group to which you are authorized to post.
  14. If you selected Page, Event or Group as the destination, then a list of existing Pages, Events or Groups respectively are displayed. Select the relevant entity.
    Note: You can search for the relevant Page, Event or Group using the search box.
  15. In the Title field, enter a title for the event.
  16. In the Description field, you can enter a description of the event (optional field).
  17. Select the Stream type from the drop-down menu. The options are:
    Regular stream – A stream that has a limited duration that does not exceed the limits set by Facebook.
    Continuous broadcast – A live stream with an unlimited duration.
  18. For a Regular Stream, you have the option to select Save this stream as VOD, to enable subsequent viewing of the stream, by clicking the check-box.
    Note: If you selected Continuous broadcast then the Save this stream as VOD option is not available.
  19. Select the privacy authorization for this stream from the dropdown menu. The options are Private, Friends or Public. Default: Private.
  20. Click Stream to Facebook.The Output configuration window is displayed with the URL and Stream Name fields completed.
  21. In the Bitrate field, enter the stream's bitrate.
  22. Click OK.

The new RTMP Facebook Live output with its settings is created and now appears on the Outputs screen.

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