The Details section shows the following information:
The type of the Source in ZEN Master e.g., Broadcaster, ZEC, Monitor Only, RIST, File etc.
Note: a “From MediaConnect" Source is a Source that receives a stream from MediaConnect (Method 1 integration), a "To MediaConnect" Source is a ZEN Master Managed MediaConnect Source, which was created in ZEN Master (Method 2 integration), see Adding a Source - AWS Media.
Primary Sources
Max Bitrate
Target Broadcasters/s
Events Configuration Profile
The Events Configuration Profile that was selected for this source. Events Profiles consist of a series of rules that determine precisely how various types of Events are logged and what results they trigger.
Public Output
This is a Zixi URL for stream playback. If a password was configured for the public output authorization, then the password is included in the URL.
Preserve closed captions
Shows if the Preserve Closed Caption is enabled/disabled. This feature preserves the closed captions from the source.
Alert on PID Changes
Shows if the Alert on PID changed is enabled/disabled. This feature generates email notifications whenever a PID change is detected In the Configuration section.
Content Analysis
Shows if the Content Analysis is enabled/disabled. Content Analysis shows errors detected in the audio and video content itself.
Traceroute History
Shows if the Traceroute History is enabled/disabled. This feature shows historical traceroutes that have been used for this stream. The graph shows RTTs for each server used by the stream over time.
Log SCTE - 35
Shows if the Source is enabled to log SCTE-35 markers.
SCTE - 35 Alerts
Shows if the Source is enabled to send alerts for SCTE-35 markers.