Step 5 – Creating a Pull Output on Zixi Broadcaster

Step 5 – Creating a Pull Output on Zixi Broadcaster

Zixi Broadcaster can send Outputs to a variety of targets such as Zixi Receivers or Zixi enabled IRDs. The Outputs can be sent through “push” or “pull” interactions and can be delivered using a wide range of protocols. While configuring an Output in Broadcaster you can customize the stream configuration.

For this tutorial we will send a Pull Output from the Broadcaster to a Zixi Receiver using Zixi Protocol. In this case, the stream is available on the Broadcaster waiting for the Receiver to initiate the “Pull” of the stream. For this tutorial we will use the default settings.

The following procedure describes how to manually create a Pull Output on the Broadcaster. You can configure your Broadcaster to automatically allow Pull Outputs. Once this feature is enabled, when you create a "Pull Output" on your Receiver, the corresponding Pull Output is automatically created on the Broadcaster. To enable automatic Pull Outputs, see Authorization in the Zixi Broadcaster UG.

To create a Pull Output on the Broadcaster:

  1. In the Zixi Broadcaster UI, in the Main Navigation, click Outputs.
    The Outputs page opens.
    On the Outputs page, click the +New Output button in the Menu bar.

    The Add a new Output stream window is displayed.

  2. In the Output Name field, enter a unique identifier for this Output on the Broadcaster, e.g. SampleTSFIleBroacasterOutput.

  3. In the Input Stream field, select from the dropdown list the Input that you created in Step 4. The stream is identified by the Stream ID of the stream, e.g. SampleTSStream01.   

  4. For the stream type selection, select the Pull radio button.

  5. In the Stream ID field, enter a unique identifier that will be used by the Receiver to identify this stream. It is recommended to use the identical name as the Input Stream name, e.g SampleTSStream01.

Make a note of the precise Stream ID (case sensitive) that you assigned. You will enter this Stream ID when you configure the Receiver to Pull this stream in Step 6.

6. In the Remote ID field, enter the ID of the Zixi Receiver that will pull this stream.
The ID can be found on the Status page of the Zixi Receiver UI.

To learn about additional configuration options, see Adding Pull Outputs in the Zixi Broadcaster UG.

7. Click OK.
The new Pull Output with its settings is created and now appears on the Outputs screen of your Zixi Broadcaster UI. The Status should be shown as Offline (blue), since the Output hasn’t yet been “pulled” by the Receiver.





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