Installing a New Container

Installing a New Container

You can either install a container by downloading a saved Docker image file directly from the Zixi Customer Portal, or you can download a regular Linux installation file and then build your own Docker container.

To download a Docker image file:

  1. Access the Zixi Customer Portal at https://portal.zixi.com.

  2. Log in using your Username and Password.

  3. In the Main Navigation, click Software.
    The available software versions for Zixi Receiver (which are available for your account) are displayed towards the top of the page.

  4. Click on the box of the version that you would like to install.
    The download options for the selected version are displayed.

  5. To download the Docker file, click on the Docker Download button and navigate to the location where you would like to save the file.

Alternatively, you can download the installation file by clicking on the Docker >_CLI button and executing the “wget” command that is provided.

6. Extract the installation file by typing the following command:

# gzip -d <zixi_product>-<version_number>.docker.tar.gz

7. Bring the .tar file image into your local Docker environment using the load command as shown below:

# docker load --input zixi_receiver-13.1.38648.docker.tar

At this point there is a Docker image defined in the local environment, but nothing is running.

To build a new Docker container:

  1. Copy the contents of Appendix A and Appendix B into files named “dockerfile_zixi_receiver.txt” and “receiver-config-template.xml”, respectively.

  2. Place the files into the current working directory.

  3. If you don’t already have the required installation file, you can obtain it as follows:

    1. Access the Zixi Customer Portal at https://portal.zixi.com.

    2. Log in using your Username and Password.

    3. In the Main Navigation, click Software.
      The available software versions for Zixi Receiver (which are available for your account) are displayed towards the top of the page.

    4. Click on the box of the version that you would like to install.
      The download options for the selected version are displayed.

    5. Download the installation file using a “wget” command by clicking on the Linux >_CLI button. The complete “wget” CLI command is shown, containing all of the required information about the installation file for the selected product version.

    6. Copy the “wget” and execute it in the Linux console.

Alternatively, you can download the installation file by clicking on the Linux Download button or by executing the “curl” command.

g. Extract the installation file by typing the following command:

# tar xvf <zixi_product>-<version_number>.tar.gz

4. Copy the Receiver .tar.gz installer file into the working directory.

5. Update dockerfile_zixi_receiver.txt with the correct filename for the Receiver installer.

6. Run the following Docker build command which will execute steps in the specified dockerfile.

# docker build --no-cache --tag zixi_receiver:13.1.38648 --file ./dockerfile_zixi_receiver.txt .

The dockerfile_zixi_receiver.txt file contains embedded comments describing how the image is being built. After the image is built you will have an image in your local Docker environment.

7. Use the following command to see available images:

# docker images

The output will be similar to the following (with different image IDs):














24 minutes ago

549 MB




5 weeks ago

203 MB

8. After building the Docker image, you can save the image to a file that can be easily shared to someone else. To save the image to a file, use the save command as shown below:

# docker save zixi_receiver:13.1.38648 > zixi_receiver-13.1.38648.docker.tar

9. You can use the repository and tag to specify the image, as shown as shown above, or you can use the image ID.

10. After saving the image, you can “gzip” it to save space.