Adding a Source

Adding a Source

You can add a Source through the Sources screen, designating the originating Zixi Feeder and the Ingest Cluster for the Source. Before you can configure a Source in ZEN Master, the relevant input stream must already be configured on the Feeder.

To add a Source:

  1. In the main navigation, click Sources.
  2. Click + Add.
    The Create New Source selection window is displayed.
  3. Click on Zixi.
    The Create Zixi Source window opens.

  4. In the Info section, in the Name field, type a logical name for the Zixi Source.
  5. In the Access Tags field, for the current use case select Default from the drop-down list. To learn more about using Access Tags to control access to resources see Configuring Tags in Zen Master User Guide.
  6. In the Input section, verify under Mode that Push is selected (default), and under Application that the Feeder radio button is selected (default).
  7. In the Feeder field, select from the drop-down list one of the available Feeders.

    For our use case, we will be creating a Source from a single Input with no Bonding.

  8. Verify that the Create multiple Sources from multiple Inputs checkbox is not selected.
  9. In the Feeder Input field, select from the drop-down list one of the available Inputs.
  10. Under Bonding, verify that None is selected.
  11. In the Configuration section, in the Ingest Cluster field, select from the drop-down list one of the available Ingest Clusters as the destination for the Source.
  12. In the Target Broadcaster/s field, select you broadcaster preference. Either select a specific broadcaster to be used OR specify you preference for using primary vs. backup broadcasters, options are: Prefer Primary Broadcasters, Primary Broadcasters only, Backup Broadcasters only or Prefer Backup Broadcasters.

    For managed clusters, it is not recommended to select a specific broadcaster, as the broadcaster's availability may not remain stable.

  13. Fill in optional fields as desired, see Adding a Source – Zixi Feeder in ZEN Master User Guide.
  14. Click Save.

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