Updating Zixi Broadcaster when CEF Software is Already Installed

Updating Zixi Broadcaster when CEF Software is Already Installed

Due to the manual changes in the Broadcaster’s transcoder code for the CEF integration, updating a Broadcaster via the UI is not possible.  Instead, from the command line you will install the new version of the Broadcaster overtop of the existing version and then use HTML overlay startup script mentioned above again.

To update the Zixi Broadcaster when CEF Software is already installed:

  1. Download new Broadcaster .tar.xz installer file to the parent directory of the existing Broadcaster installation; typically this is /zixi.

  1. Stop the Broadcaster process with the following command.

    # service zixibc stop
  2. Extract Broadcaster .tar.xz installer file. 

    $ tar xvf zixi_broadcaster-17.4.44543.linux64.tar.xz
  3. This will overwrite the Broadcaster installation directory, but the existing configuration xml files in the installation directory will not be overwritten.

  1. Change directory to the Broadcaster installation directory, zixi_broadcaster-linux64/.

    $ cd ./files $ mv ../../zixi_broadcaster-linux64/files/* $ cd ..
  1. Follow steps 4 through 6 above to download and install the CEF plug-in software.  Be sure to download a new CEF installer that matches the version of the Broadcaster you are installing.