Using High Performance Networking
High-Performance Networking (DPDK) is a mode of operation in Zixi Broadcaster that bypasses the server’s operating system to allow for 2x to 3x performance gains for UDP, RTP, Zixi, and RIST traffic. In this mode, the traffic does not go through the CPU or the OS Kernel, it is handled directly by the Zixi Broadcaster, offering the following benefits:
Performance gains – 2 to 3 greater performance, which can mean that you will be able to handle more traffic with less compute or reduce the compute expenses for your current traffic.
No traffic limit per port - no more traffic limit per port, no queue per port, no buffer errors, etc. This means that you can scale traffic on the same machine and utilize the full potential of the compute resources.
Improved security - since it is a single function network card, all the traffic, going through the network card, is handled by Zixi Broadcaster. This traffic cannot leak to the operating system, or the SSH server, or other servers running on the OS.