ZEC Inputs

ZEC Inputs

You can add input streams to ZEC from one of the following sources:

  • Another ZEC Instance (Pull) ā€“ ZEC can pull a stream from another ZEC instance. Since both components use the Zixi protocol, the stream can be protected by the Zixi protocol.
  • UDP streams - the source is a UDP or RTP stream, RTP + SMPTE 2022 FEC over unicast or multicast.
  • Delayed - input stream will be stored on the local disk, while a variant of the input is created and delayed according to the specified duration.
  • Local files (for VOD) ā€“ the source in this case is a local transport stream file from your local computer or local network.
  • RTMP streams - The source is an RTMP stream, pushed into ZEC or pulled by it.
  • RTSP - The source is an RTSP stream, pushed into ZEC, or pulled by it.
  • HLS - The source is an HLS stream that is pulled by ZEC.
  • HTTP Pull/Push (TS over HTTP) - The source is a Transport Stream over HTTP, which is pushed into ZEC or pulled by it.
  • RIST ā€“ The source is a RIST stream using Simple or Main Profile over unicast or multicast.
  • SRT ā€“ The source is an SRT stream and is configured via Zen Master or ZEC API only.