Indexing VOD content

Indexing VOD content

Zixi Broadcaster can create m3u8 (HLS) and mpd (mpeg-dash) manifests for VOD files. When the Automatically index VOD files setting is enabled, Zixi Broadcaster will index the VOD files in the various VOD folders. In this case, Zixi Broadcaster will automatically monitor any file and directory structure changes (under "files" folder only). Any file that is added will be automatically indexed. In the same manner, any file that is deleted, the correspondent files in the index (.m3u8 and/or /mpd) will be removed as well. In some cases, the indexing of VOD files can affect performance. By enabling or disabling the Automatically index VOD files setting, you can decide when to index the VOD files in order to ensure optimal performance during peak times.

To activate the VOD indexing:

  1. In the Settings page, click File Transfer & VOD.
  2. Select the Automatically index VOD files
  3. Select Scan on startup to enable indexing of the files in the VOD folder that have not been indexed during startup of the Zixi Broadcaster.
  4. Select HLS indexing to enable indexing of HLS streams. The indexing creates an M3U8 playlist file.
  5. Select MPEG-DASH indexing to enable indexing of MPEG-DASH streams. The indexing creates a .mpd (MPEG-DASH Media Presentation Description) file.
  6. Click Apply.

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