Adding RTSP Streams

Adding RTSP Streams

This enables you to create RTSP streams.

To Add RTSP Streams:

  1. In the ZiXi Broadcaster Navigation menu, click the Inputs tab.
  2. In the Menu bar, click New Input. The Add a new input stream window is displayed.
  3. Enter the unique Stream I.D.

    Note this must be identical (case sensitive) to the stream name configured in the ZiXi Feeder.

  4. Select  the maximum concurrent connections to this stream from the Max. Outputs drop-down list. Default: Unlimited.
  5. Select the Show in Matrix check box to display this stream in the Matrix (see Using the Matrix). Default: Selected.
  6. Select RTMP for the input stream.
  7. Specify the Stream Parameters (see Input Stream Parameters Table).
  8. If you want to Enable time shift, select this checkbox (see Input Stream Parameters Table).
  9. If you want to Transmit as multicast, select this checkbox (see Input Stream Parameters Table).
  10. If you want to Enable encryption , select this checkbox (see Input Stream Parameters Table).
  11. If you want to configure the Recording Parameters, specify them in the respective fields (see Input Stream Parameters Table).
  12. Click OK. The “Input added” message appears on the top of the screen. The RTMP Stream is added to the ZiXi Broadcaster and now appears in the list of streams available in the  ZiXi Broadcaster inputs UI.


Input Stream Parameters Table


Stream ID

Specify the unique identifier for this stream.

Max Outputs

Specify the maximum number of allowed outputs. Default: Unlimited.

Show in Matrix

Select the checkbox to show the stream in the Matrix.

Stream Parameters 


Type the Stream URL from which the ZiXi Broadcaster will access.

Video UDP Port

Specify the UDP port to be used for streaming the video.
Audio UDP PortSpecify the UDP port to be used for streaming the video.
Enable time shiftSelect this checkbox to broadcast the stream at a later time.

Maximum delay [hh:mm:ss]

Specify the maximum time delay of this input.

Transmit as multicast

Enables transmission of this stream’s outputs as multicasts. A ZiXi receiver will receive it in multicast (unless it is out of the LAN in which case it will relay in as unicast). You can also force Multicast only outputs. Requires enabling Multicast Pull in the Settings.

Multicast Only

Select the check box to force only Multicast outputs.

Recording Parameters 

Max recorded file duration [hours]

Specifies the maximum time allotted for recording a video stream. Default: 2 hours

Keep recorded files for [hours]

Specifies the maximum time for storing the recording.

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