Creating New Adaptive Groups

Creating New Adaptive Groups

To Create a New Adaptive Group:

  1.  In the ZiXi Broadcaster administrative screen, click the Adaptive tab.
  2. Click Add Group. The Adaptive live streams group window is displayed.
  3. Enter the unique string for the Group name field.
  4. Select a stream from the drop-down list to create an adaptive bitrate.
  5. Enter the desired Bitrate[kbps] for that stream in the adjacent field to Stream ID.
  6. Click  for as many streams as you want to include in the group and repeat steps 4 and 5 for every stream that is added to the group.
  7. Select the Protocols with which to transmit streams.
  8. Specify the duration to Keep recorded files for [hours], and click OK. The new Adaptive Group was created and appears on the Adaptive screen.

Group Name

Specifies the unique identifier for this group.

Stream ID

Specifies the unique name for the stream.

Bitrate [kbps]

Specifies the bitrate for selected stream.

 ZiXi, HLS, HDS, DASH, HLS over multicast

Keep recorded files for [minutes]

Specifies the maximum time for storing the recording. Default: 0 minutes