General Status
General | Â |
ID | The ZiXi Broadcaster ID number |
Host ID | Displays the ID of ZiXi Broadcaster host. |
Start Time | Displays the time that the ZiXi Broadcast began to actively stream content. |
Up Time | The duration of time that the broadcast is running. |
Inputs | The number of current active inputs |
Outputs | The number of current active outputs |
Remote In [kbps] | The current aggregate input bitrate from remote sources – ZiXi Push/Pull (in Kbps) |
Local In [kbps] | The current aggregate input bitrate from local sources – UDP streams (in Kbps) |
Remote Out [kbps] | The current aggregate output bitrate to remote destinations (in Kbps) |
Local Out [kbps] | The current aggregate output bitrate to local destinations (in Kbps) |
Http Out [kbps] | The current aggregate output bitrate for HTTP streams - FLV/RTMP/HLS/HDS (in Kbps) |
kBytes Sent | The cumulative traffic transmitted (in Kbps) |
kBytes Received | The cumulative traffic received (in Kbps) |