Using Output Templates

Using Output Templates

Instead of manually creating an ouput and then connecting the output to an input, you can define output templates with rules for automatic creation of outputs with predefined settings. The template includes an Input pattern. When an input pattern matches the pattern of an incoming input stream, the output is created automatically. 

 To create a new Output template:

  1. Click the Outputs tab at the top of the ZiXi Broadcaster administrative screen.
  2. In the Menu bar, click the Templates () button. 
    The Output Templates window is displayed:
  3. Click New
    The New Output Template window is displayed:
  4. In the Input Pattern field, enter a pattern for the Stream ID of the input stream for which an output will be automatically created. This pattern will be used to identify the input stream and can include variables that are marked with the "$" sign followed by a number (e.g. $1, $2, etc.) and/or with an asterisk "*" wildcard . The patterns should also include a part of the string that requires an exact match. For example, the pattern "$1_stream_$2kbps" will match an input stream "talk_show_stream_600kbps".
  5. In the Output Name field, enter a name for the output that will be created. The name can include variables used in the Input Pattern field. 
  6. Select the desired output protocol and fill-in the relevant Output parameters described in the table below:

    UDP Output Parameters


    Specifies the destination address of this output.


    Specifies the port to listen on.


    Specifies the time-to-live (TTL). Used mainly to limit the range (or “scope”) of a multicast transmission. Leaving it as blank uses the default value specified by the operating system.

    Smoothing [mms]

    Enables transmission of the output at the correct rate. Required when the receiving device is sensitive and can’t lock on to the stream (in such a case, the recommended latency is 100 - 1000 ms).


    Enables the Real-time Transport Protocol

    SMPTE 2022 FEC:

    Disables the FEC or specifies the type of FEC matrix to D1/ D2

    Local Interface

    Specifies the local IP address to use, or any one which can be sourced from any active NIC.

    Local Port

    Specify the local port  from which to source the stream, if desired (instead of randomly chosen by the operating system).

    Don’t Fragment

    Select this option if you do not want to fragment IP packets in a stream.

    Decryption type

    Specifies the type of Encryption.


    Enables remuxing to CBR (used for professional IRDs).

    Remux to bitrate [kbps]:

    Specifies the CBR bitrate to target for a remuxed stream.

    RTMP Output Parameters


    Specifies the Stream URL of the remote RTMP server.

    Backup URL

    Enter a backup URL (fallback mode) – will be used in case  the primary server is not responsive.

    Stream Name

    Specifies the unique name for the stream that the RTMP server at the other end of the connection expects.

    User Name

    Specifies the User name to authenticate on the remote RTMP server


    Specifies the string that is used for authorization on the remote RTMP server.

    Bitrate (kbps)

    Specifies the actual bitrate or the maximum stream bitrate in case of a VBR stream.

    Reconnect (sec)

    If the stream drops, this value represents the time between reconnection attempts (in seconds)Default: 5.

    Send Timecode

    Converts the MPEG-TS SEI section to RTMP ONFI command (pass the encoder timecodes to the RTMP server)

    Decryption type

    Specifies the type of key used to decipher the encrypted output stream.

    Pull Output Parameters

    Stream ID

    Specify the unique Stream ID that the remote receiver expects (recommended – identical to ‘Input Stream’).

    Remote ID

    Specifies the Receiver ID that allowed to pull that stream.


    Specifies a string that can be used to authenticate that the ZiXi Receiver is authorized to pull this stream (Optional).

     Latency [ms]

    Specify the buffer size that ZiXi Broadcaster is keeping for error correction.

    For example, 6000 milliseconds would ensure that the stream is protected for six seconds of errors in the network.

    Default: Remote configuration.

    Remote configuration – use the latency configured in the Receiver. Otherwise use a value to override the value configured in the Receiver.

    Push Output Parameters

    Stream ID

    Specify the unique Stream ID that the remote ZiXi Broadcaster expects.


    The destination host for the push stream.

    Note that additional failover destinations can be added by clicking the adjacent “+” button.


    Specify the ports to listen on for Push streams.
    Default: 2088.


    Optional - Specifies a string  to be used   at the receiving ZiXi Broadcaster to authenticate that the pushing Broadcaster is allowed to push this stream.

    Max Latency [ms]

    Specify the buffer size that ZiXi Broadcaster is keeping for error correction. For example, 6000 milliseconds would ensure that the stream is protected for six seconds of errors in the network.







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