The top of the Info pane includes buttons for taking the following actions on the selected Broadcaster Cluster:
Mute/Unmute – disables/activates notification for error/recovery events. Set the date and time when the mute will automatically be cleared by clicking on the down arrow and selecting mute until.
Edit – enables you to edit the Broadcaster Cluster configuration.
Delete – deletes the Broadcaster Cluster.
Accordion/Tab view.
The main display includes the following data for each Broadcaster cluster:
The name of the cluster as configured in ZEN Master.
The connection status of the Broadcaster cluster. Possible values:
Green (OK) – None of the Broadcasters are in error state
Red (Error) – all Broadcasters are in error state
The icon next to a Broadcaster cluster indicates that the Broadcaster cluster is muted, disabling notifications for error/recovery events.
The number of related Zixi Broadcasters and their connection status:
Green – OK (i.e. connected)
Red – error state
Gray – pending/disabled
Cluster Type
The type of tasks performed by the cluster. Possible tasks are:
Ingest – An Ingest cluster is used to configure inputs and make them available as sources in ZEN Master.
Channel Processing – A Channel Processing cluster is used to process sources and/or to send them to specified targets.
When one of the clusters is selected, the details of that cluster, divided into tabs, appears at the right side of the screen.
Details Tab
The name of the cluster.
Access Tags
The Access Tag/s that is associated with this cluster. You can edit the access tag/s as follows: click the Edit icon. Then, delete the current tag by clicking the "X" next to the tag and/or add a new access tag/s by selecting one or more tags from the drop-down list.
Cluster Type
The type of tasks performed by the cluster.
The scaling method, manual, AWS, Azure or GCP.
Activation key
The cluster’s activation key.
API Credentials
The username and password for accessing the APIs.
Authorization Mode
The method used to verify authorization to access the broadcaster cluster. Possible values are: ZEN, External Server, Global Password, Free for All and Manual.
Auto-scaling Fields
Additional details are shown for AWS Azure and GCP clusters showing details about the AWS or Azure account.
Broadcasters Tab
View details about Broadcasters in the cluster. Add broadcasters manually; edit, disable and delete existing Broadcasters.
The connection status of the Zixi Broadcaster:
Green – OK
Red – error state
Gray – pending/disabled
The name of the Zixi Broadcaster.
The IP address of the Broadcaster.
The SSH key used to connect to ZEN Master.
The total number inputs, outputs and adaptive groups currently active on the Broadcaster.
The percentage of CPU utilization on the Zixi Broadcaster machine.
The percentage of RAM utilization on the Zixi Broadcaster machine.
The software version of the Zixi Broadcaster.
The following actions are available for each individual Broadcaster:
Details – opens a details window, which includes Status, History, UDP Statiscs1 and Configuration sections, see Viewing Broadcaster Details.
Configuration (for Manual) - shows configuration info for connecting the broadcaster to ZEN Master.
Open – provides access to the Zixi Broadcaster UI (applicable to both cloud-based Zixi Broadcasters and on premise Zixi Broadcasters).
Edit – opens the configuration window for the Broadcaster enabling you to edit the details.
Disable/Enable (for Manual) – changes the status to Disabled, meaning that any active streams will be stopped without deleting the configuration of the Zixi Broadcaster.
Delete – delete this broadcaster from the cluster.
Note: The Configuration, Disable/Enable and Edit options are not available for Broadcasting Clusters that use auto-scaling.
Whitelist Tab
Shows a list of IPs included in the whitelist to enable access to Push outputs and Pull inputs.
Events Tab
Shows a list of the events that were generated in ZEN Master in relations to the specific cluster and its broadcasters. To learn about viewing event logs in ZEN Master, see Events Log. Click Quick Report to generate a report of events related to this broadcaster cluster and download the .xls file.
Notes Tab
Free-form text with information relevant to this broadcaster cluster.