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Version | Old Version 6 | New Version 7 |
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The Details section shows the following information:
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name of the Source. |
Ingest Cluster | The name of the Ingest Cluster where the source is located. (Includes a link to view details about the Broadcaster Cluster.) |
Play | Downloads a .vlc stream file that is automatically played back in the VLC player with the necessary parameters to view the Zixi stream (Requires Zixi VLC Plugin), see Viewing Preview in VLC. |
Preview | A thumbnail preview of the stream is shown. For a list of supported formats for thumbnail view, see Supported Formats for Thumbnail View. |
Access Tags | The Access Tag/s that is associated with this source. |
Type | The type of the Source in ZEN Master e.g. Broadcaster, Feeder, Monitor Only, RIST etc. Note: a “To MediaConnect” Source is a Source created in ZEN Master using Native Flow Management, a “From MediaConnect” Source is a Source that receives a stream from MediaConnect using Partial Integration, see Adding a Source - AWS MediaConnect. |
Input (for Configure & Monitor mode) | The name of the Input stream. |
Max Bitrate (for Configure & Monitor mode) | The maximal bitrate for the Source. |
Latency (for Configure & Monitor mode) | The latency value for the Source. |
Public Output | This is a Zixi URL for stream playback. If a password was configured for the public output authorization, then the password is included in the URL. |
Source IP | The IP address of the Source's input resource. |
Source Password | The password to connect the Source. Click show to display the password. |
Bitrate | The current bitraate of the Source. |
Up Time | For online Sources, shows the number of hours, minutes and seconds that the Source has been online. |
Child pages (Children Display) |
Child pages (Children Display) | ||