When one of the targets in the list is selected, information about the target, divided into tabs, appears at the bottom of the screen.
The Details pane has buttons for taking the following actions for the selected targed.
Switch Channel – switch the channel that is assigned to this t If no channel has been assigned yet, then this button is used to assign a Target.
Acknowledge/Clear Acknowledgment (for sources in disconnected status) – mark/clear the status of this source as acknowledged.
Mute/Clear Mute – disables/activates notification for error/recovery events. Set the date and time when the mute will automatically be cleared by clicking on the down arrow and selecting mute until.
Edit – enables you to edit the target
Disable/Enable – Disabling a target stops all active streams for that target without deleting the configuration of the source.
Delete – deletes the target
The Details tab shows the following information:
In addition to the parameters described below there are several parameters that are specific to each target type that are displayed for a target of that particular type.
The name of the target.
Access Tag
The Access Tag/s that is associated with this source. You can edit the access tag/s as follows: click the icon. Then, delete the current tag by clicking the "X" next to the tag. Add a new access tag/s by selecting one or more tags from the drop-down list.
The type of target. Possible types are: Push, Pull, RTMP, S3, HTTP or UDP/RTP.
Play Target
Play the target content (for configurations that support this feature).