A Zixi PULL input can be configured with multiple, ordered, failover sources. The topology includes a target node pulling from a primary source. In the event that the primary source becomes unavailable, the target node will automatically switch to the secondary source. The target node will attempt to pull the primary sources again only in the event that the secondary source becomes unavailable.
The configuration is performed on the target Zixi Receiver. There you will configure a Pull input from the primary Broadcaster, which includes an backup host (secondary broadcaster). The stream has to be defined in the primary and secondary Broadcasters as inputs with the same stream ID. In runtime, the Zixi Receiver will connect to the primary Zixi Broadcaster and the output will be created automatically "on the fly". If the primary source becomes unavailable the target will attempt to pull the same stream with the same stream ID from the secondary source (which has been defined as the Backup host).
Source Configuration
Configuring in advance the Pull output in the primary and secondary Broadcasters is not mandatory. If you configure outputs in the primary and secondary source Broadcasters, make sure both use the same stream ID.
Target Configuration
To configure the target node (e.g. Zixi Receiver):
- Click the Inputs tab at the top of the Zixi Receiver administrative screen
- Click New Input on the upper right hand side of the screen.
- In the Input Name field, type a new name for the input.
- Select the Pull option.
- In the Host field, enter the host name or IP of the primary source.
- Click the "+" button to add an Alternative Host.
- In the Alt. Host field enter the host name or IP of the Secondary Source Broadcaster.
- In the Port field, enter the connection port of the host (Zixi Receiver). Default: 2077.
- In the Stream field, enter the stream ID used in the primary and secondary source inputs. The same stream ID should be used in the Inputs configured on the Primary and Secondary sources (Zixi Broadcasters). The output is created "on the fly" on the Zixi Broadcaster, so there is no need to configure it.
- Configure additional parameters as required.
- Click OK.
Cost Considerations
This topology duplicates the source Zixi hardware and software components. It does not require doubling the uplink bandwidth as the backup connection stream is only active in the event that the primary fails.
Latency Considerations
For detailed recovery time details, please contact your Zixi representative.